Coffee grown by:

Finca Concepcion Buena Vista

About the farm:

Premium Roast Coffee

Finca Concepcion Buena Vista has been in the Solano family for more than 150 years. Fourth-generation coffee farmers David and his brother Eddy have become more and more involved in the family business over the last several years, learning everything they could from their father Don Bernardo, and working to add capacity and implement new processing methods to create even more interesting and delicious coffees.

San Martin Jilotepeque is a small community in the Guatemalan state of Chimaltenango, about 2 hours from the old colonial city of Antigua. Although it may be a lesser-known growing area, the coffees from Concepción Buena Vista benefit from a unique microclimate and topography that produces amazing sweetness and floral notes, with a good dose of the chocolatiness that Guatemalan coffees are known for.

When you enjoy your delicious coffee from Finca Concepcion Buena Vista, you’re not just sipping a beverage, you’re experiencing a labor of love that spans generations. Each cup tells the story of a family's dedication to their craft and their land.

Whole Bean Coffee
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